Triage Cancer, is a national, nonprofit organization that provides free education on the legal and practical issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through events, materials, and resources, including our Legal & Financial Navigation Program.
We have spent decades educating the cancer community to help people access care, understand their insurance and finances, and learn about their rights to stay at work or take time off as a result of their diagnosis. But, we know that these issues are not specific to the cancer community.
We recently launched Triage Health, to provide free education on the legal and practical issues related to navigating a chronic or serious medical condition. But this information is also useful for anyone trying to understand their health insurance options and how to access health care. We believe that by working together with community partners and community health workers, we can improve access to care, address health disparities, and mitigate the potential financial burden of a chronic or serious medical condition.
To that end, we also host online and in-person educational events, as well as trainings specifically for health care teams and advocates, with free continuing education credit. These events provide an opportunity to learn about issues that have a practical and financial impact on patients and their families. We are hosting a specific, online training for Community Health Workers (CHWs) on June 11, 2024.
This CHW training provides and introduction to choosing and using health insurance, workplace rights to take time off to access health care, disability insurance, and strategies for managing medical bills. Registration is free and can be found online here: We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this within your circles. I have attached a flyer for your use as well.