ARCHWA is a 501(c)3 non-profit membership-based organization founded in 2015 to support community health workers across the state. 

1998 - Arkansas Human Development Corporation starts Promotoras Program

2005 - Tri County Rural Health Network begins Community Connector Program

2009 - Arkansas CHW Coalition is established and the ADH STAR Health Program is launched

2013 - The first CHW workforce survey is implemented and the inaugural CHW summit is held

2014 - ARCHWA participates in National CHW Core Consensus and endorses CHW Core Consensus (C3) Project's core competencies

2015 - ARCHWA receives state incorporation and IRS designation as 501(c)3, becoming an official nonprofit organization

2020 - ARCHWA Stakeholder Advisory Committee is formed and development

2021 - CHW Certificate Commission is established and first CHWs are certified in Arkansas

2022 - ARCHWA hires founding Executive Director


To support Arkansas community health workers in promoting improvements in health and health care.


Community health workers are seen as members of a vital profession. ARCHWA will be recognized as a leader for improving the public health, well-being and quality of life for all Arkansans.


  • Provide training, continuing education and career advancement opportunities

  • Advocate for steady and reliable funding for community health worker programs

  • Increase public and professional recognition of community health worker knowledge, skills and contributions

  • Convene community health workers to share resources and offer mutual support


  • Compassion

  • Trust

  • Professionalism

  • Accountability

  • Integrity

  • Equity